Cheat Codes:
Unlock the following rewards by entering the corresponding sequences of buttons at the Rewards menu:
Concept Art: Bonus 1 – L2, right, up, square, left, triangle, R1, down.
Concept Art: Bonus 2 – square, L1, right, left, down, R2, triangle, up.
Costumes (Heroes): Baseball shirt Drake – left, right, down, up, triangle, R1, L1, square.
Making a Cutscene: Grave Robbing – left, R2, right, up, L2, triangle, square, down.
Making a Cutscene: Time’s Up – L1, right, square, down, left, triangle, R1, up.
Crushing difficulty:
To unlock Crushing difficulty, complete the game on Hard difficulty.
Infinite ammunition:
To activate infinite ammunition, get 300 medal points. Then, press Start and go to “Rewards”