Avatar Awards:Unlock Gum and Tab to unlock the Shirt and Spray Can avatar awards.
Play as any character in Grind Square:Complete the game and load a new game to play as any character in Grind Square.Unlockable Characters:Unlock the following characters by performing the corresponding tasks:CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKCube/Combo – Complete Chapter 1Play as Garam – To unlock Garam simply complete his challenges.Play as Goji – To play as Goji, get a JET ranking on all the Grind City levels.Play as Gum – To unlock Gum simply finish her challenges at the beginging of the game.Play as Love Shockers, Noise Tanks, Poison Jam, and Goji – Beat the game with a JET ranking in all stages. This includes regular stages as well as Golden Rhino stagesPlay as Mew – Beat all the Benten-Cho (aka City of Night) levels with any ranking. After that, Mew will challenge you. Beat the three of her challenges, and she
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