Cheat Codes:
Activate the following cheats by pressing the corresponding sequences of buttons during gameplay:
Full health – LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, A(4).
Stronger attacks – A, UP, B, DOWN, X(2), Y(2).
Extra money – UP, X, UP, X, DOWN, B, DOWN, B.
All Blessings – LEFT, UP, A, B, RIGHT, DOWN, X, Y.
Max out skills – A, LEFT, RIGHT, B, DOWN, UP, X(2).
Max out attributes – LEFT, B, UP, Y, DOWN, X, RIGHT, A.
All costumes – A, X, Y, B, UP(3), DOWN.
Refill health:
To make all characters that you are with recover 10 HP, meet the Druid and do a quest for her; she will then teach Lucy Healing Waters. When Lucy is chosen, go to the Pan Pipes screen and draw a V on the Coridal Touchscreen.
Red Dwarf:
To make a Red Dwarf appear and help you fight for 15 seconds, meet the Dwarf and do one of his quests; he will then teach you Lucy Dwarf Digger. When Lucy is chosen, go to the Pan Pipes screen and play (1-2-3).