All medals:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “skirmishstat.ini” file in the game folder. Replace the lines with the entries below to get all medals:
BestWinStreak = 1000
ChallengeCampaign3_0 = 10
Honors = 178682
LastHouse = GLAToxinGeneral
Losses = 0
LoyalGames = 0
USACampaign_0 = 50
WinStreak = 1000
Wins = 1000
mapsalpine assaultalpine assault.map_4 = 1
mapsarrenbadlandsarrenbadlands.map_4 = 1
mapsear town beatdownear town beatdown.map_4 = 3
mapsitter winteritter winter.map_4 = 1
mapsombardment beachombardment beach.map_4 = 1
mapscairo commandoscairo commandos.map_4 = 2
mapsdark mountaindark mountain.map_4 = 3
mapsdark nightdark night.map_4 = 3
mapsdesert furydesert fury.map_4 = 1
mapsdestruction stationdestruction station.map_4 = 7
mapsdust devildust devil.map_4 = 1
mapseastern evergladeseastern everglades.map_4 = 3
mapsel scorchoel scorcho.map_4 = 3
mapsfallen empirefallen empire.map_4 = 3
mapsfinal crusadefinal crusade.map_4 = 1
mapsflash effectflash effect.map_4 = 2
mapsflash fireflash fire.map_4 = 1
mapsfortress avalanchefortress avalanche.map_4 = 7
mapsfree fire zonefree fire zone.map_4 = 5
mapsgolden oasisgolden oasis.map_4 = 3
mapsgreen pasturesgreen pastures.map_4 = 5
mapsheartland shieldheartland shield.map_4 = 1
mapshomeland alliancehomeland alliance.map_4 = 3
mapskilling fieldskilling fields.map_4 = 1
mapsleipzig lowlandsleipzig lowlands.map_4 = 1
mapslights outlights out.map_4 = 3
mapslone eaglelone eagle.map_4 = 3
mapsmountain gunsmountain guns.map_4 = 4
mapsoverlandoverland.map_4 = 3
ocky rampage
ocky rampage.map_4 = 3
ogue agent
ogue agent.map_4 = 3
mapssand serpentsand serpent.map_4 = 1
mapssilent riversilent river.map_4 = 1
maps ournament city ournament city.map_4 = 5
maps ournament continent ournament continent.map_4 = 3
maps ournament desert ournament desert.map_4 = 1
maps ournament island ournament island.map_4 = 3
maps ournament lake ournament lake.map_4 = 3
maps ournament plains ournament plains.map_4 = 1
maps ournament tundra ournament tundra.map_4 = 3
maps ournament urban ournament urban.map_4 = 3
maps wilight flame wilight flame.map_4 = 7
mapsvictory valleyvictory valley.map_4 = 3
mapswasteland warlordswasteland warlords.map_4 = 1
mapswhiteoutwhiteout.map_4 = 7
mapswinding riverwinding river.map_4 = 1
mapswinter wolfwinter wolf.map_4 = 1
Unlimited money:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the “skirmish” file in the “command