Extra mode:To unlock Extra mode, complete Chapter 4 in Story mode offline.Extra mode cast voices:To unlock new voice options when creating a new cast character, beat the game.Chapter preview:To hear audio previews of the upcoming chapters, beat all timed missions in a chapter with an “S” rank.More photon points (multi-weapon):Purchase multiple of the same weapon that you use at the shop. Add them all to your palette. Equip all of them with skills. This trick does not require multiple skill items. This saves lots of Meseta because you will not need to buy Photon Charges. This trick is also very effective for forces because they will be less likely to run out of photons.Extra mode: Easy experience and money:You must be above level 15, have an Ice weapon, and must be able to do above 200 damage. Finish this mission with a time less then 9:30 and kill 82 enemies. Once you get through most of it, there will be a location that you must break open boxes. You must explore and kill everything. Pick up the items they drop. Once you get through all that you will face three Tengogh. After you kill them they will drop approximately 2,400 to 3,000 Meseta. If you complete the mission with 82 monsters and a time less than 9:30, you will earn a Stag Beetle that sells for 25,000 Meseta. Once you get mostly everything done and sell the Stag Beetle you may end up with 55,000 Meseta.More attack damage:When attacking, if you carefully time your attacks from one to the next, you will see a gold circle appear around you accompanied with a little zipping tone. You can also time your weapon skill attacks to do this as well. This increases your damage by about 25%, and if the element of your weapon is in opposition to the enemy