Unlockable classic characters:In Classic Arcade mode, press
jab to select a character. Then, as the airplane flies to the top of the
screen press the corresponding sequences of buttons and press jab again
to unlock the following Classic characters:CLASSIC CHARACTER – HOW TO UNLOCKBalrog – right, left, left, right.Blanka – left, right, right, right.Cammy – up, up, down, down.Chun-Li – down, down, down, up.Dee Jay – down, down, up, up.Dhalsim – down, up, up, up.E. Honda – up, up, up, down.Fei Long – left, left, right, right.Guile – up, down, down, down.Ken – left, left, left, right.M. Bison – down, up, up, down.Ryu – right, right, right, left.Sagat – up, down, down, down.T. Hawk – right, right, left, left.Vega – left, right, right, left.Zangief – left, right, right, right.Play as Akuma:To
play as Akuma, defeat all fighters leading up to M. Bison without
continuing in under 20 minutes. When you battle Bison, Akuma will
appear. After Akuma appears, highlight Guile on the Arcade Mode
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