Cheats:Press the following button combinations while playing the game:Unlimited items on pick-up:Hold L R and push B, White, Back, Black, click Right thumb-stick, click Left thumb-stick, push X, A, click Right thumb-stick, push Y. Infinite wind boost:Hold L R and push Back, White, click Right thumb-stick, push X, click Left thumb-stick, push Y, Black, B, A, click Left thumb-stick to enable the wind boost always.Wind Dancer Invincibility:Hold L R and push Back, B, White, A, click Right thumb-stick, push Black, X, click Right thumb-stick, push Y, click Left enable god mode for Wind Dancer.Katarina Invincibility:Hold L R and push A, Y, click Left thumb-stick, push B, click Right thumb-stick, push Back, click Right thumb-stick, push White, Black, X to enable god mode for Katarina.Show all treasure chests:Hold L R and click Right thumb-stick, push A, B, click Left thumb-stick, push Y, White, Back, click Left thumb-stick, push X, Black to reveal all tresure chest.Get all treasure chest keys:Hold L R and push Y, Back, A, X, click Right thumb-stick, push White, click Left thumb-stick, push Black, B, click Left thumb-stick to receive all treasure chest keys.Show all buried treasure chests:Hold L R and push Y, A, X, B, White, Back, click Left thumb-stick, Black, click Left thumb-stick, click Right thumb-stick to reveal all hidden tresure chest.Wind Dancer Galleon upgrade:Hold L R and push Black, B, click Right thumb-stick, click Left thumb-stick, push A, X, click Right thumb-stick, push Back, White, Y to upgrade Wind Dancer Galleon.Back Sword:Hold L R and click Right thumb-stick, push Back, Black, click Left thumb-stick, push X, A, White, Y, click Left thumb-stick, push B to advance to Katarina